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Lesson Five 

This lesson took us to a website where we were able to see the scholastic performance of different nations over an amount of time, and I discussed how the United States compares. This imformation can also be used to administrate classrooms lessons today. 

In one well-written paragraph, describe the highest performing nation, the lowest performing nation, and how the United States compares. Use the 2012 report for this information.

         -The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests students during the age of 15 on the subjects of math, reading, and science every three years. All of the 65 nations participate in this international survey to determine how their children citizens are learning. Shanghai-China had the highest performance scores over each subject. The lowest ranking nation, with scores below the average that year, was Peru. In the United States, on the other hand, scores were higher in the low percentage range. These results are below The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average. Scores that the U.S. received are as follows: 481 in math and 497 in science. The last testing year’s scores were slightly increased prior to the 2009 survey, and reading scores were above average at 501.

In another well-written paragraph, describe what nation performs the highest in Math and who performs higher in reading skills, boys or girls (2012 report)?

         -Shanghai-China had the highest scores in both math and reading skills in 2012. Although, based on the survey taken, boys and girls score higher in different subject areas. Boys scored higher in mathematics than the girls this year. Out of 65 nations, 37 had this basis proven. There has been speculation that the results are due to having girls not being recognized in those countries. Another speculation is that boys are exposed more in the field of mathematics than the girls in different nations because of the jobs boys will have later in life. In some nations, girls are still seen as beneath boys, yet their scores are higher in other subjects like reading.

Describe the performance of single-parent students (2012 report).

         -In 2012, the numbers of 15-year-old students in single–parent households were 20.7%. Many single parent households have financial challenges due to one income in the family. The struggles of poverty may limit the single parents’ ability to provide mental stimulating materials for their children. These children may not have access to books or other creative supplies that would stimulate their desire to learn. Students that live in this type of environment scored lower than those from a two-parent home. The United States having high achievement in both low scoring and single-parent homes, may cause major concern in the near future.

Concerning performance levels, how important are parents? In other words, can parents make a difference? Describe.

         -Parents’ activity in their child’s work is important because they make a difference in students’ performance levels. A students’ parents give them constant motivation and encouragement while in school. When there are parents who are constantly involved with their child, the students perform better in class. There are less behavioral problems, less stress, and greater chance to pass the class. Those that do not have avid parental interests tend to score lower, have greater behavioral problems, and less likely to pass a class if it difficult. Some students also perform better in classes when parents contact the teacher to check on progress. Personally, during my middle school years, my parents contacted my teachers whenever my grades faltered. This helped me want to better myself since my parent where taking the time to make sure I was doing my best.


Describe some of the differences in the 2009 and 2012 reports. Are we making progress?

         -The subjects that were taken during the Program for International Student Assessment documented results and progress from the years 2009 and 2012. In 2009, the students’ math scores from the United States were higher than the recent scores. The average math score was 487 compared to the year of 2012 score of 481. Although by OECD standards, these scores are below average. Science scores for the U.S. had also decreased. A previous high score of 502 dropped to a low of 487. On a positive note, reading increased to a score 501. Over the years, our nation has not made nearly as much of progress than studies would have wanted.


Describe what makes a school successful according the 2012 PISA report?

         -A school that is successful, according to the 2012 PISA report, must follow certain guidelines. Schools that perform above the OECD mathematics average and have weak socio-economic average impact. This means that nations must have less economic downfalls in its citizens. Nations like Hong-Kong and Finland have low or non –existent socio-economic problems with these guidelines. The United States, on the other hand, has a higher socio-economic area because of poverty and single parent homes. Students that typically test while living within these areas tend to score low in every subject, especially math.

As a future classroom teacher, how can you use the information on this web site?

         -As a future teacher, I will apply the information from the web site into how I administer my lessons. The classroom I will have is going to be a place with positive and safe climates. No matter if my students live in poverty or have another ailment, they will be treated with respect and understanding. With the insight given, I can increase my students’ comprehension of certain difficult subjects by incorporating fun activities. Students perform in an environment that wants them to blossom more and grow creatively will allow them to prosper in their own ways. Motivation and encouragement will always be abundant so that my students will know that they are loved.

Do you think the information on this web site is accurate? Why or why not?

         -I do not believe the information on the website is as accurate. There could be another way to conduct these surveys. Instead of having a test every three years, there could be smaller, local surveys admitted for the schools to witness their progresses. These will help determine if the curriculum should be changed or what can be done about how it’s taught in classrooms. Also, having a mock survey should be given to students prior to the year they will be taking the official survey. This pre-test will allow students to see what could possibly be on the mean survey. 

Based on your analysis of the web site information, do you believe that certain political mandates designed to increase reading and math performance levels (such as the No Child Left Behind law) ARE working or ARE NOT working? Explain.

         -I believe that the certain political mandates designed to increase reading and math performance levels are not working. Students that need to improve their grades should have different ways to increase them and not be judged solely on standardized tests. With the use of in-class or after school tutoring will further help students’ grades in all fields of study. The standardized tests judge the students based on what the state requires them to know. Testing should be available to fit all students’ requirements and needs suited for them to make the best possible grades, regardless of their limitations.



         -The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a standardized test that students age 15 take every three years. Students are examined over math, science, and reading subjects taught in schools across 65 nations. These tests determine which nations have the best student education, why they have this accomplishment, and how other nations can have the same outcome. The testing has shown significant findings on which areas boys and girls perform better or worse in. Teachers can also use this information given to improve work in their classrooms.

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