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Lesson Seven

This lesson is about stereotypes. Stereotyping is a simplified and standardized conception or image of a group or person invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group and is also used to characterize a group or person or regard as a stereotype.

Describe some common American stereotypes. Explain your perspective on the stereotypes you described.

-There are so many stereotypes out there. One common American stereotype is that they are lazy and over-weight. Not only are many Americans known for eating unhealthy, but are also known for playing video games, watching television, or sleeping instead of getting good exercise. This is a stereotype because there are so many hard working and in shape Americans also! Another common American stereotype is that all blondes are dumb. This has been said for as long as I can remember. And, it's so ignorant to judge someone's intelligence on their hair color.


Do you or have you ever stereotyped someone? Explain.

-Yes, of course I have stereotyped someone. It's horrible and I shouldn't do it. I'm trying to work on it. But, I even stereotype myself when I look into the mirror, before leaving the house sometimes. Stereotyping someone is based on their appearances. When I get dressed for school, work, or an outing, I look at myself and wonder what other people see. Stereotyping, I believe is an innocent habit. It's wrong to judge someone, but it's very easy to do.


Is there a difference between stereotype and prejudice? Explain.

- I would seem to think so to a certain extent. Stereotyping is a widely held, but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experiences. To be prejudice towards another person means you dislike him or her because your lack of knowledge of that person’s history or background. Indian, Mexican, Caucasian, black, and so forth. To stereotype a person means you are judging him or her based on the group or groups he or she fits into and I think there is more to people than just that.


“There is nothing wrong with stereotyping people”. React to this statement.

-I believe that stereotyping others is wrong only because it is known to carry a negative meaning. If we were to begin using stereotypical ways in a positive manner, it would carry a positive meaning. It's all how you contribute on things and situations. How a person is treated based on their attire, make-up, or even their preferred friends are what make stereotyping wrong. We, as a whole, fail to see and understand the big picture of all the different cultures and ethnic groups in America and around us. We are all different and will never belong in the same group. Everyone is their own person. Just because one person doesn’t like the way another looks, doesn’t make it okay to judge them based on it.


Can stereotyping be harmful or offensive? Provide an example.

-Yes! Stereotyping can be very harmful and offensive. People don’t understand other people, when they aren’t within their certain circle. Everyone is in groups. We don’t know how to accept the fact that everyone is who they choose to be or not to be. When a person is being stereotyped, the viewer is either experiencing a picture of fact or opinion and sometimes both. The response of the person being stereotyped is what makes the fact or opinion harmful or offensive. The person being stereotyped has to accept being different and the person doing the stereotyping has to accept being different in the eyes of others. You just can't judge someone based on things like that. It can be very harmful.


Can stereotyping be good or positive? Provide an example.

-I really can’t agree with stereotyping being good or positive. America's Media has already placed a negative label on the word itself. The actions, reactions, and ways of each group are what people will continue to look at, but in negative ways. Certain groups that enjoy dressing in all black and wearing all black or dark make-up may not be what society thinks they are. They are or could be like any other person that is dressed in a black suit, but is sitting behind a desk in a huge office, or someone dressed in a black mini skirt standing behind a microphone singing a song. The point is we are different and we are supposed to act or be different from other people. Who are we if we weren’t any different from the next person?


What did Nell’s (daughter of Jill Bates) teacher tell her when she lost a game at recess? Describe her mother’s reaction.

- Nell’s preschool teacher told her that she was too pretty to be crying about losing a game at recess. Although Nell’s teacher was trying to make an attempt to cheer her up, it wasn’t the correct approach in the eyes of Nell’s mother. Jill Bates, Nell’s mother, had a talk with Nell, letting her know that it was ok to cry and that everyone cries sometimes when they are sad. Bates then purchased a T-shirt for Nell that said “Pretty’s Got Nothing to do with it”. Jill wanted to get the point across to Nell’s teacher and others that crying is a part of growing up and has nothing to do with being pretty. Don’t stereotype anyone based on how you feel or what you may think is politically correct.


Regarding the “Anchor Woman” video – Provide your opinion concerning this video.

-This video showed how ignorant some people can be. The person sending the email knew nothing about the anchor woman other than her appearance. Just because the anchor woman is overweight doesn’t mean she isn’t healthy. Her obesity could come from a family history. I thought this was a negative choice to make, but I am happy to know that her husband is an anchor man and that he supported her 100% by posting it on Facebook for others to voice their opinion. I am also happy to know that the anchor woman expressed her feelings on the matter and addressed the fact that some people are truly ignorant will never be a positive example to the young people around them.


Regarding the “Top 10 sexist Moments” – Provide your opinion concerning this article.

-My opinion concerning the top 10 sexiest moments is based on the fact that women have always been looked upon as trophies or sex images. No matter how much women prove themselves to society that we can be hard workers, role models, mothers, business owners, or much more. The media somehow finds a way to continually view women as sex models. 


Provide your comments concerning the video “How the Media has Failed Women”.

-The video of How the Media has Failed Women is exactly how many men view women. Many men think women should be home cooking, cleaning, caring for the kids, having more kids, doing laundry, planting flowers, anything that will keep us out of the way. For decades, this is what is was like, and many men are stuck in their ways of the past. The era now is far more different and versatile than before and all men that feel this way will just have to get over it or become a stay at home dad and let their wife do the work outside the house. This is the world we live in and, it's slowly changing for the better.



-I learned a lot from this lesson. Stereotyping is a simplified and standardized conception or image of a group or person invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group and is also used to characterize a group or person or regard as a stereotype. Stereotyping, I think is a habit that people have and is either difficult to break or is impossible to refrain from doing. Many people use it in a negative way. You should never judge someone based on their appearance it's ignorant.

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