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Lesson Six

This lesson is about bullying. Bullying is the act of hurting a person or a group if people. A bully is fueled by the need for power and to feel superior. Bullying causes extreme anxiety and almost always has a negative effect on a child’s grades.

What is the "7 Days and 7 Nights Challenge"?

              -The 7 days and 7 nights challenge is where The Scary guy asked the adults and children not to speak any negative words to or about another human being. He also stated that it’s not about being a good person, it’s about interacting with the energy of others. Being positive allows one to feel good about being positive and possessing positive ways.


How does bullying impact the learning and overall school experience of your students?

              -Scary says bullying is a learned behavior. Students sometimes don’t realize how much they’re hurting others with just their words. They are expressing the negative tension that is held inside due to not knowing how to tell someone how they feel. Students also hold negative energy inside because they aren’t sure what will happen once they tell whats going on or if the person that is bullying them will really keep the threats they made if they tell.


What can we apply from Scary's explanation of the size of a person's storage tank?

              -Scary is saying that each individual has their own personal storage tank. How dare one pick on another because of the size or looks of another person’s container? We are all made different. Some of us are short, some are tall, and some are different colors. We weren’t made to be the same as the next person.


How do the lessons of helping others and never judging others prevent bullying in elementary and later on?

              -The lessons of helping others and never judging others prevents bullying in elementary and later on by allowing students to experience the positive feelings after doing such things. Some students said it felt good to open the door for another student or help another student pick up their books after having dropped them on the way to class. After going through the challenge of being positive these students were happy with themselves as well as the positive change helping others had made.


How and how often do you address such lessons on character and kindness?
              - As teacher, I would address character and kindness to my students at least every day. By addressing this lesson, I would put them into groups and have they do an activity on character and kindness. It is important as a teacher to let your students know how they should treat each other in and out of the classroom.


How do these issues relate to student's academic success?

              -The issues of any negative behaviors relating to student’s academic success should be handled immediately and with concern. Students perform poorly in several areas of their lives, not only academically, when they are being bullied. Their personalities negatively change, their grades drop, they become depressed, and they tend to want to be secluded from others. There is nothing positive that could come out of a child that is being bullied and receive no help.


According to Scary, how might parents and other adults unintentionally teach behaviors that lead to bullying?

              -Parents and other adults unintentionally teach behaviors that lead to bullying by not taking out necessary time to talk and spend with their children, telling their children to ignore the bully or stop being a baby and toughen up, or by not immediately responding to the issue after the child has mentioned it to them. Many awful things can happen to the child if not the situation isn’t handle properly.


What is shared as the most significant thing for parents to do if their child is crying, sad, or angry?

              -The most significant thing for parents to do if their child is crying, sad, or angry is to immediately find out why. Parents have to find out why the child feel these ways, who caused these feelings, what happen exactly, how long it has been going on, and what can be done about it. The more involved the parent is with their children the less likely the child will succeed at committing suicide or any other harmful act.  


Why does "ignoring a problem" not work? 

              -Ignoring a problem doesn’t work because it’s impossible to pretend that what was said wasn’t said. The negative words have already been said and the child having to hear it becomes frustrated. There is no resolution in ignoring the problem and the child may become confused on what to do about the issue. Whenever someone comes at you with negativity, tell them you are sorry that he, she, or they feel that way about you. The reason they are treating you badly and saying negative things about you is because they feel badly deep down and don’t know how to release it without being negative. They need help and someone to talk to, but don’t have the support they need. Scary said it is easier to love a person and not love their behavior.



Bullying is the act of hurting a person or a group if people. A bully is fueled by the need for power and to feel superior. Bullying causes extreme anxiety and almost always has a negative effect on a child’s grades and all of their extracurricular activities and social associations. Parent child relationships are important. The more quality time you’re able to spend time with your child, the easier it is to detect when something is wrong. In order to impart good character training to children, parents need to spend time with children. Even children who are outwardly rebellious are looking for someone that they can be close to and follow; if parents are not willing to make time for children then children are likely to turn to peers who may or may not be interested in behaving in a morally acceptable manner. As said before, bullying is a learned behavior. The bullying may not be a bad person, he or she just may need to release the stress and negative energy they have been holding inside. Learning to recognize signs of bullying and how to properly handle these situations is imperative to you as well as your child.

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