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Lesson Two 

At Odds with Gender Change Video Questions:


People use all sorts of negative terms for transgender. What is the word that Tracy hates the most? Explain why you think that she would dislike this word the most.

         -The word Tracy hates the most for her peers to call her is “Alien”. I assume Tracy hates this name the most because it makes her feel like she’s not a real person. Everyone wants to feel included. Everyone wants to think they have thoughts and emotions that are relevant to others, and with the others saying that her opinion or life doesn’t matter, it makes her feel worthless.


Who is correct? The Catholic school system or the parents and children in this video? Explain.

         -I would like to start with saying that I support parents who support their children. It is important to let your child know that you are, not only okay with who they want to be and how they desire to live their life, but thrilled that they are happy and comfortable being themselves around you. Logically, I think that both the Catholic school system and the parents are right in their own minds. Although, I side with the parents, the Catholic school system has the right to express their opinions as well.


Lady GaGa Questions:


Explain in your own words the meaning behind Lady GaGa's "Born This Way" song.

         - In my own words, Lady GaGa’s hit song “Born This Way” is about our diverse society, and how some people may feel different and not completely accepted by everyone. This song explains how there is nothing wrong with being yourself because that’s how you were born. “Born This Way” is the kind of song that Lady Gaga wrote to proclaim that she is not sorry for who she is, and she is telling us to live this way as well.


At the end of the Lady GaGa video, she and her dancers raise their hands in the air. What does this mean?

         - At the end of the video when Lady Gaga and her dancers raised their hands in the air, they were opening themselves up to the world. They were saying they are sure and confident in who they are and what they believe in. Being sure of who you are and what you believe in is a great thing. Most people, especially adults, have a hard time understanding who they are and expressing themselves. Children on the other hand are comfortable being who they are, because it is less discouraged.


What do you think would have more of a NEGATIVE EFFECT on a child - having a transgender teacher or listening and viewing Lady GaGa's songs and videos? Explain.

         - Personally, I would feel neither one would have a negative effect on a child. Being a transgender teacher does not make you a threat or less qualified for your students. Having a transgender teacher would not make a child a homosexual. Just like watching a Lady Gaga video would not make you one either. Lady Gaga songs encourage people to be who they are.


Transgender Questions to go with the Yosemite teacher video above:


What are your general thoughts concerning Gender change?

         - My general thoughts concerning gender change are that a person should be who they feel they are meant to be. Life is all about being yourself, and I should not have the right to take that away from anyone. If anything, someone becoming more comfortable in their own skin could possibly make the world a more pleasant place.


If you were friends with the Yosemite teacher before the gender change, would you STILL be friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

         - If I were friends with the Yosemite teacher before the gender change, I would still be friends after the change. We all are entitled to choose who we want to become friends with, whether they are of a different religion, a different culture, if they are rich or poor, ect. If I were a true friend before the change, then I would definitely be one after. Although the outer appearance may change, they would still be the same person on the inside. Many times, this loss of a friendship is due to the fear of embarrassment and outcast. If you really care about your friend, you will let him or her know how you feel about the situation, but will also choose to stand with them no matter what decision he or she makes. We choose who are real friends are, therefore we should feel comfortable being honest with them as well.


If you were a classroom teacher, how would you explain this issue (Transgender) to your students?

         -It’s no lie that this would have been a difficult discussion with students who all grow up in different households and have different opinions (their parents’ opinions). This situation would be best handled with confidence. There is absolutely no reason to feel ashamed with such information. If anything, this would encourage students who are also fighting this battle to be themselves. So I would explain it like any other social norm and answer any questions to the best of my ability.


"No Dumb Questions" Video Questions:


What knowledge and understanding do you feel you have gained about people who are transgender? What questions do you still have?

         - The knowledge and understanding I feel I have gained about people who are transgender is that they have the need of belonging and being accepted in society just as much as any other person. I am a complete supporter of people being themselves. The world can be a negative place at times, and it makes it even worse when we aren’t accepting of each other. After reading all the material I feel a little more confident about the topic. And as for questions, all the ones I have would be on the more individual side like, when did you know? Was your family accepting?


If you have not had this experience, how would you react if a family member (uncle/aunt, brother/sister, mother/father, or child) revealed that they were transgender?

         -This would definitely be a surprise to my family, but I doubt that it would be a negative experience. My family are very loving and accepting people, so I’m sure after some time of shock and question asking, not interrogating, we would not love the person any less. We may even love them more for being open and honest.


The filmmaker, Melissa Regan, says that she hopes that No Dumb Questions will show that it is okay and even imperative or adults and children to engage in age-appropriate dialogue about sexual orientation and gender differences. Do you think the filmmaker accomplished her goal? Why or why not?

         - Yes I feel the filmmaker accomplished her goal. After watching the video, I couldn’t believe how knowledgeable the kids were about the topic. Although when the time had come for them to actually experience the difference, the two older kids were more afraid to engage themselves in physically understanding what had actually happened. This video does help age-appropriate groups to try and understand the situation and how to adapt to the life if chosen to do so.


Why do you think these subjects are talked about infrequently or seen as taboo?

         - This subject is now more open than it used to be, but is not talked about as much as it should, because of the fear of not being accepted by friends, family, and society. So many kids commit suicide because of the pressures others put on them and the fear of what may or may not be said. To many, this subject is life threatening and could cause damage to the individual as well as those around them mentally, socially, physically, and emotionally.


What are some of the behaviors or phrases in the film that you would like to try to use when talking to children about sexual orientation and gender identity?

         - The behaviors that many hurtful individuals use towards children about their sexuality and genders leave an inner scar that many will never understand. I feel this is part of the reason society has so many school shootings, student suicides, and secretive behaviors. I would try my best to help my students understand it is okay to be different. Everyone is different in their own way no matter how hard we try to fit in certain groups and be like certain people. I would teach my students to look at themselves and see their flaws before they look at someone else’s. I would answer whatever questions that they had. "There is no such thing as a dumb question" and that is true.



"Why I Must Come Out" - Video Question


Why does Geena Rocero feel the need to "come out" in her talk? Explain.

         - Geena Rocero felt the need to “Come out” because she understands how society treats those who wish to break free and to be considered acceptable in their eyes, and she wants to change that. When she was able to accept her identity, she felt dignified and was able to live in the moment without shame or terror. She is now able to help others conquer their dreams, but first to understand that gender identity is the core of being and that sometimes it doesn’t match your outer appearance.



Summary: This was a very long lesson, but now I feel I understand transgender people a little better. After reading and watching all the material, I feel more confident about the topic. Knowing more about transgender people not only make you a more diverse person, but also a better teacher.

This lesson includes my thoughts on the transgender community as well as individuals. Transgender people are just like any other human being. Some people have very harsh things to say, but i think that  is mostly because of confusion. They deserve the rights that any other american can have and should not be persecuted for just being themselves. 

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